Sunday, June 10, 2007

Catching up...

Here's a photo essay on what's been happening here at the homestead...

Some sewing....

Four proms...(I only have photos of two of them)

Some jewelry making (you will see these in my etsy store soon)

...and Confirmation.

There has also been lots of baseball and some track meets and many working hours for me. Phew...that's it for now...we're all caught up!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Hi Mom and Dad

I received a call from my parents the other day..."Hi, we haven't heard from you in a while...what's new? We checked your blog and do you know that you haven't written anything since May 11th?" What a bad daughter I am not to call or update my blog so my mom and dad know I'm still alive! So I'm here to say I am still alive and I promise I'll do better on calling my folks and keeping up-to-date here.

Today is my daughter's 25th birthday. She can't believe how "old" she is and I can't either! I am not old enough to have a 25 yr. old daughter! She's a sweetheart and her dad and I love her to pieces. Unfortunately she lives 8 hours away so we don't get to see her enough. She has grown up to be a lovely young woman (in spite of our parenting skills) and we are so proud of her...Happy birthday, sweetie pie!

More on what I have up to later...stay tuned!